Digitalization is a Key Enabler for Green Steel Production

Wednesday 19th June 17:15 - 17:45


In pursuit of carbon neutrality and amidst rising energy costs, the steel industry is undergoing one of its biggest transformations in history. This is a big challenge for established steel producers as well as for new players on the steel market that focus on green steel production.

Luckily, various digitalization technologies became available and evolved that are necessary for steel producers to master this transformation. Data-driven models, for example, gain insight of energy consumptions and help to optimize production. AI-based digital assistants facilitate the operator’s life and, together with smart operational concepts, enable production in an autonomous plant environment. This is particularly important in case of limited access to skilled personnel such as operators, for example if experienced people retire or new plants are erected.


Alexander Thekale

Technology Officer, Electrics and Automation

Primetals Technologies

Alexander Thekale is the technology officer, electrics and automation, at Primetals Technologies. He previously held the position of innovation manager, electrics and automation, and head of digital solutions for downstream technology at Primetals. He holds a PhD in mathematics, and a diploma in applied mathematics, both from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.


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